
Bent Miniatures


Unfortunately, miniatures can get misshaped and bent during packaging and shipping, but getting them back to their original shape is as simple as dipping it into hot water and then immediately into cold water. The two sets of instructions below will guide you through reshaping your miniatures or reshaping your spell effects.

NOTE: There are two methods below, one for reshaping miniatures and one for reshaping spell effects. The timing is different when reshaping spell effects, so be sure to use the proper instructions to avoid melting or damaging the pieces.

Reshaping Miniatures

  • Warning: Attempt At Your Own Risk!

    krakenships is not responsible for any injuries to yourself or others, or damages to krakenships miniatures or other miniatures via this method. The following method requires being careful and taking the proper safety measures when working with hot or boiling water. When manipulating and transporting any miniature in and out of hot water, use tongs or another method that does not put you in danger of being burned and that does not risk damaging the miniature.

    When a miniature is dipped into very hot water, it will become malleable and can be unintentionally altered if you are not careful. The hot water can damage the miniature if left for too long, use this method sparingly to avoid damaging or destroying your miniatures.

  • Preparation: Supplies

    You’ll need the following:

    - A Misshaped Miniature
    - A safe means to heat up water
    - A pot for boiling water
    - Tongs or a similar tool to handle miniature in boiling water
    - A bowl of ice water

  • Step 1: Heat Water

    Fill pot with enough water to submerge the misshaped miniature, then heat it to near boiling. When small bubbles start forming on the bottom of the pot, the water is ready.

  • Step 2: Submerge Mini

    Using tongs or another safe method, submerge the misshaped miniature in the hot water until malleable, about 5-10 seconds.

    The process allows the miniature to safely bend back to its proper shape.

  • Step 3: Remove and Reshape

    Carefully remove the miniature from the hot water and examine it.

    Most miniatures will revert to the proper shape on their own, but occasionally you may need to assist. If your miniature still looks bent when you remove it from the hot water, allow it to cool for a few seconds and then, once safe to touch, gently manipulate it into the desired shape.

  • Step 4: Cool

    Once in the desired shape, place the miniature into the bowl of ice water for 10-20 seconds. If the mini is particularly stubborn, you may want to hold it in shape while submerged. This process re-hardens the miniature and sets the new position.

    Once set, don’t attempt to reshape it further. If you did not achieve the desired shape, repeat the full process again. Use caution when repeating, as the miniature can become damaged if heat treated too many times.

Reshaping Spell Effects

  • Warning: Attempt At Your Own Risk!

    krakenships is not responsible for any injuries to yourself or others, or damages to krakenships miniatures or other miniatures via this method. The following method requires being careful and taking the proper safety measures when working with hot or boiling water. When manipulating and transporting any miniature in and out of hot water, use tongs or another method that does not put you in danger of being burned and that does not risk damaging the miniature.

    When a miniature is dipped into very hot water, it will become malleable and can be unintentionally altered if you are not careful. The hot water can damage the miniature if left for too long, use this method sparingly to avoid damaging or destroying your miniatures.

  • Preparation: Supplies

    You’ll need the following:

    - A misshaped spell effect (clear piece)
    - A safe means to heat up water
    - A bowl for hot water
    - A spoon
    - A bowl of ice water

  • Step 1: Heat Water

    Heat water to near boiling and pour into a small bowl until there is enough water to submerge the piece on a spoon.

  • Step 2: Submerge Mini

    Using a spoon, submerge the clear spell effect in the hot water until malleable, about 5-10 seconds. Move slowly to avoid losing or destroying the piece.

  • Step 3: Reshape

    Carefully remove the miniature from the hot water and allow it to cool for another 2-3 seconds before touching it.

    Very gently, reshape the piece into the desired position, taking care not to burn yourself or bend the piece too far.

  • Step 4: Cool

    Once you get the desired shape, hold the piece in that position and submerge it into the cold water for about 5 seconds. This will re-harden the piece.

    Be very careful after re-hardening the piece in the cold water, as it will be more brittle and may break if you attempt to reshape it further. If the shape is not what you need, repeat the full process again. Try to limit the process to only 1-3 times, as the hot water can damage the piece after too long.


Chellon Cleric